As a second year student who is studying Creative and Professional writing, you would think that I would always have a pen in my hand …

Just how it is by Chloe
As a second year student who is studying Creative and Professional writing, you would think that I would always have a pen in my hand …
Let’s catch up! I know I said that I would be doing these blogs more frequently and have got some drafted, but I have just …
Exercise the mind If there is anything I have learnt last semester is that there are countless methods to help you grasp creative ideas. Even …
What I do on the day before the BIG day
Last minute mayhem for your furry friends
Winter blues and inspirational slumps I think it’s fair to say Autumn came to say hello and then just ran away with us, a Halloween …
To anyone who has tried blogging before – did anyone tell you how many times you would rewrite your first blog before even posting it? …
..a little insight into my own university experiences […] whilst I try to figure it all out for myself!